Welcome to Veganuary everyone! Whether you are doing Veganuary as a once a year thing or going all the way, It is great. The image above is what we will be doing more of at Good Carma this year.
I often get asked why I decided to go vegan. Well it’s a long story but basically it made sense to me as i wanted to help the environment, animals, health and leave somewhere beautiful for future generations.
I’ve always had an affinity with animals since i was a child and being an only child and living in the country meant that i spent a lot of time with farm animals which most of them are rescue animals.
I have been on a plant based diet since I was a teenager and have been fully vegan since 2008. Nutrition and health I have always been passionate about and making nut based cheeses seemed a good way to be able to not only provide healthy, nutritious, cheese alternatives but be able to help the planet and animals as well.
Slowly my range of vegan cheeses is growing and I am hoping to expand into vegan retreats this year as well as more rewilding to be able to provide a habitat for all the beautiful flora and fauna that we share this beautiful planet with.