So proud to say we have won an award with our Flavour Fusion Original in Best Vegan Cheese Topping. Blown away 💚🧀🌱
My yummy crispy kale with our Flavour Fusion Garlic on top.
100g chunky chopped kale, or kale leaves, tough stalks removed (weight without stalks)
½ tbsp olive oil
1 tablespoon of Flavour Fusion Original or Garlic
Heat oven to 150C/130C fan/gas 2 and line 2 baking trays with baking parchment.
Wash the kale and dry thoroughly.
Place in a large bowl, tearing any large leaves into smaller pieces.
Drizzle over the oil, then massage into the kale.
Sprinkle over the Flavour Fusion, mix well, then tip onto the trays and spread out in a single layer.
Bake for 18-22 mins or until crisp but still green, then leave to cool for a few mins.
#vegan #kale #recipes #Goodcarmafoods
These are the comments that after 11years in business make it all worthwhile. Thank you Sharon Lake ????
“Saw you guys today and bought the mature cheese and the chive alternative. They taste amazing and won’t last very long ???? thank you so much for your kind and friendly service ???? will definitely be purchasing again ❤️”
#Reviews #Goodcarmafoods #vegan #vegancheeseuk
British Broadcaster David Attenborough has made his thoughts on animal agriculture very clear in his latest instalment of ‘Planet Earth’
Speaking about its impact he said: “Year after year, we clear over two million hectares of the amazon rainforest – that’s the size of Wales. We use nearly all of it to make more space for cattle and to grow soya to feed livestock. Today, habitat destruction is the biggest problem we’ve created for wildlife around the world.
“If we shift away from eating meat and dairy and move towards a plant-based diet, then the sun’s energy goes directly into growing our food,” the TV legend explained.
“And because that’s so much more efficient, we could still produce enough food to feed us, but using a quarter of the land. This could free up the land the size of the US, China, the European Union and Australia combined. Space that could then be given back to nature.”
We are delighted to announce that we have won Best Vegan Cheese Topping with our Flavour Fusion Original which is a Italian style sprinkly cheese alternative for your pasta or roast veg.
As a Thank you we are offering a LIMITED DEAL Offer to say Thank you to all our wonderful customers. Head to our shop to see the offers!
Hi Everyone!
How are you all doing?
Did you know it is British Dragonfly week? The photo above is a Blue Emperor dragonfly that i took a photo in our field. It was pumping it’s wings up which is what they do when they are newly hatched. Such a privilege to see one, I was blown away.
Did you know? Gardens can be an oasis for dragonflies; 17 species of dragonflies are known to breed regularly in garden ponds. Even a small pond can harbour dragonflies, such as Southern Hawker!
Below you can record your sightings.
British Dragonfly Society#dragonfly#dragonflies#dragonflyspotting
Incidentally The Dragonfly Society has been running for 40 years.
Fro a Good Carma poiint of view I am at a Vegan Market on Saturday in Narberth and then with Vegan Fairs at Daisy’s Cheltenham vegan market on Sunday.
Have a lovely week and Thanks for your company and support as always.
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