Pumpkin? I love it! these meatballs (without meat 😁) are super easy to make! then it’s up to you how to cook them, saute in a pan, cooked in the oven or fried in abundant oil?
150 g shelled walnuts and possibly soaked in water for 24 hours,
150 g of shredded pumpkin,
80 g of boiled and smashed beans
40 g of mushrooms cooked in a pan with oil and salt,
1 large spoonful of https://goodcarmafoods.com/shop/flavour-fusion/garlic/
A pinch of salt
Just mix all this and make your meatless meatballs.
Remember if you cook in the oven will be around 30 minutes at 180 grade.
I like to serve it with stewed kale with herb cashew mayo sprinkles