Simple pasta dish with our Flavour Fusion Range which are available from selected stores of @waitrose in the Free From aisle and @Ocado online supermarket. #Glutenfree #Freefromfood #Goodcarmafoods #Vegan #Plantbased #Waitrose #Ocado #Pasta #Vegancheese
250g Gluten Free Pasta of your choice
2-3 teaspoons Flavour Fusion Original, Garlic or Chilli
Olive Oil
Cherry tomatoes and rocket leaves
Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet your using
(I always add a little olive oil when I’m cooking pasta)
Meanwhile halve tomatoes
Drain pasta when cooked and drizzle with OliveOil and add Flavour Fusions.
Mix and serve for best results.
Garnish with tomatoes and rocket.